Inquisitive Robin Visits Wildgoose Ringing Group
24.1.23 This ringed Robin took a great interest in our ringing on Sunday. Our first trip of the year we caught just 30 birds. Longtailed Tits were the most numerous. We also caught Goldcrests, a Wren, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Chaffinches, Dunnocks, Robins, Blackbirds and a Reed Bunting.
Wildgoose Cuckoo Grove II
21.1.23 -At the beginning of January our Wildgoose Cuckoo, Grove II was still on his wintering grounds in tropical rainforest in the Congo.
He was tagged on 17th May last year in the reserve. After summering locally, he flew south through Iberia, then down the west coast of Africa making landfall in Senegal. He then moved west and south to winter in the rain forest. It won't be long before he starts his journey back to Worcestershire.
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